- Optimal Information Disclosure and Market Outcomes, joint with Maryam Saeedi. Theoretical Economics, forthcoming.
- From Population Growth to Firm Demographics: Implications for Concentration, Entrepreneurship and the Labor Share," joint with Julian Neira and R. Singhania, Econometrica, July 2022
- On the Direction of Innovation, joint with Francesco Squintani, Journal of Political Economy, July 2021
- Take the Short Route: Equilibrium Default and Maturity, joint with Mark Aguiar, Manuel Amador and Ivan Werning, Econometrica, March 2019
- Information, Misallocation and Aggregate Productivity, joint with Joel David and V. Venkateswaran. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2017.
- Firm Size and Development, Economia, Journal of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association, Fall 2016.
- Patent Rights and Innovation Disclosure. Joint with Francesco Squintani. Review of Economic Studies, 2015
- Firms, Misallocation, and Aggregate Productivity: A Review. Annual Review of Economics Vol. 6: 735-770, August 2014.
- Mechanisms for Allocation and Decentralization of Patent Rights, joint with Gerard Llobet and Matt Mitchell. Advances in Economics and Econometrics 1st ed. Vol. 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. 456-486. Cambridge Books Online. Web. 16 July 2015.
- Firm Microstructure and Aggregate Productivity, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, vol. 33, 2011.
- Preemption games with private information, joint with Francesco Squintani, Review of Economic Studies, vol. 78 no. 2, 2011,
- Unobservable persistent productivity and long term contracts, joint with Arantxa Jarque, Review of Economic Dynamics, vol 13 no. 2, 2010.
- Risk taking by entrepreneurs, joint with Galina Vershchagina, 2009. The American Review, Volume 99, Number 5, December 2009 , pp. 1808-1830(23)
- Optimal Unemployment Insurance and Employment History, joint with Juan Pablo Nicolini, Review of Economic Studies. 2009.
- Deregulation with Consensus, joint with Sandro Brusco. Economic Theory, 2007.
- Rewarding Sequential Innovators: Prizes, Patents and Buyouts, joint with Gerard Llobet and Matthew Mitchell, Journal of Political Economy, December 2006.
- A theory of financing constraints and firm dynamics, joint with Gian Luca Clementi,. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2006
- Market size matters, joint with Jeffrey Campbell. The Journal of Industrial Economics, 53: 1–25.
- Optimal Lending Contracts and Firm Dynamics,”joint with Rui Albuquerque. Review of Economic Studies, April 2004.
- Tacit collusion in repeated auctions, joint with Andrzej Skrzypacz. Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 114, Issue 1, January 2004, Pages 153-169
- Innovation Variety and Patent Breadth, joint with Matthew Mitchell, Rand Journal of Economics, vol. 32, No. 1, Spring 2001.
- Entry Restrictions and the Determination of Quality, joint with Walter Garcia-Fontes. Spanish Economic Review, vol 2 issue 2(2000.)
- Delegation and the Regulation of Risk, joint with S. Lohmann. Games and Economic Behavior, May 1998.
- Nash bargaining with downward rigid wages, joint with A. Cabrales, Economic Letters 57(1997).
- Optimal Unemployment Insurance, joint with Juan Pablo Nicolini. Journal of Political Economy, April 1997.
- Labor Market Flexibility and Aggregate Employment Volatility, joint with Antonio Cabrales, Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 46:189-228(1997).
- Flexibilización y empleo, joint with Walter García-Fontes, Moneda y Crédito, No. 201 (1996)
- Unemployment insurance with moral hazard in a dynamic economy: a comment, Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 44 (1996)
- Policy Variablity and Economic Growth, joint with Maria E. Muniagurria. Review of Economic Studies, October 1996.
- Information, Liquidity and Asset Trading in a Random Matching Game, joint with Ingrid Werner. Journal of Economic Theory, vol 68, No. 2, February 1996.
- Fire-Alarm" Signals and the Political Oversight of Regulatory Agencies, joint with S. Lohmann. Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 1995.
- Job Turnover and Policy Evaluation: A General Equilibrium Analysis, joint with Richard Rogerson. Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 101, No. 5 (Oct., 1993), pp. 915-938
- Stochastic Monotonicity and Stationary Distributions for Dynamic Economies," joint with Edward C. Prescott, Econometrica, 1992.
- Entry and Exit in Long Run Equilibria, Econometrica, vol. 60, NO. 5, Sept 1992.
- Exit, Selection and the Value of Firms, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 16(1992).
- Vintage Human Capital, Growth, and the Diffusion of New Technology, joint with V. V. Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 99, No. 6 (Dec., 1991), pp. 1142-1165
Working Papers
- Optimal Simple Ratings, joint with Maryam Saeedi, September 2022.
- Big Push in Distorted Economies, joint with F. Buera, Y. Shin and N. Trachter, March 2021.
- The Economic Ripple Effects of Covid-19, joint with F. Buera, R. Fattal-Jaef, P.A.Neumeyer and Y. Shin. Under revision for Review of Economic Studies.
- Dynamic Value Shading, joint with Maryam Saeedi.
- Bidding Dynamics in Auctions, joint with Maryam Saeedi
- Trading Favors: Optimal Exchange and Forgiveness, joint with Christine Hauser
- The Shakeout
- On the Measure of Distortions, under revision for AEJ-Macro.
- Knowledge, Diffusion and Reallocation
- Rewarding Duopoly Innovators: The Price of Exclusivity, joint with Matthew Mitchell
- Job Dynamics, Correlated Shocks and Wage Profiles, joint with Antonio Cabrales
- Matching, Human Capital and Displacement, joint with V.V. Chari. Unpublished manuscript, January 1993. Revised March 1995.
- Learning, Contingencies and Firm Differentiation, joint with W. Lovejoy
- Industry Equilibrium Dynamics: A General Competitive Theory. Unpublished manuscript, revised June 1990.
- Constrained Optimality and the Welfare Effects of Misallocation, joint with Robert Fattal-Jaef
- Equilibrium Default, joint with Ivan Werning